Two social workers looking at an infographic in a printed briefing document


Explore our key data and latest trends in identification and response to child sexual abuse in digestible infographics

CSA Centre Infographic, which shows an illustration of an iceberg partially submerged in water. The title says 'Far more children are sexually abused than services identify'. Above the water, the graphic says '2,300 children on a child protection plan due to child sexual abuse (England)', '9,500 children seen by sexual assault referral centres (England and Wales)', '49,000 children assessed as being at risk of sexual abuse (England and Wales)', and '105,000 child sexual abuse offenses recorded by the police (England and Wales)'. Below the water, the graphic says "500,000 children are estimated to be sexually abused every year'.

Children are disproportionately likely to be victims of sexual offences

References: Office for National Statistics, 2023: Sexual offences prevalence and victim characteristics, England and Wales

We must formally recognise that children represent a significant proportion of victims and ensure their specific needs are met with sufficient and appropriate support.

Sexual abuse is just as common as other forms of childhood abuse

Bar chart highlighting that child sexual abuse is as commonly identified in surveys as other forms of harn

References: Office for National Statistics, Child abuse in England and Wales, 2022

References: Office for National Statistics, Child abuse in England and Wales, 2022

References: Department for Education, Characteristics of children in need 2022/23

Where children live matters

References: Home Office, Police recorded crime and outcomes 2022/23

References: Department for Education, Characteristics of children in need 2021/22

CSA Centre infographic showing the number of children seen by sexual assault referral centres in England and Wales. The most was in Wales where 16.7 per 1000 children were seen, while the least was London where 2.9 per 1000 children were seen.

References: NHS England, SARCIP quarterly data collection, 2022/23, NHS Wales, 2022/23, data supplied to the CSA Centre

Child sexual abuse is prevalent across England and Wales but where children live impacts whether that abuse is responded to.

These maps show the average rates within each region; there are wide differences in rates across regions between individual police forces / local authorities / sexual assault referral centres (SARCs).

More reporting of child sexual abuse but cases take longer to complete at court

References: Home Office, Police recorded crime and outcomes 2022/23

References: Home Office, Police recorded crime and outcomes 2022/23, Ministry of Justice, Criminal justice system statistics 2023; FOI request, Home Office, Crime outcomes in England and Wales 2020/21; 2022/23.

How can we better protect children?

A snapshot of child sexual abuse